The Awakening of Humanity is a companion volume to Benjamin Creme's The World Teacher for All Humanity, published in 2007, which emphasizes the nature of Maitreya as World Teacher, the Embodiment of Love and Wisdom. The Awakening of Humanity focuses on the day when Maitreya declares Himself openly as World Teacher for the Age of Aquarius. It describes the process of Maitreya's emergence, the steps leading to the Day of Declaration, and humanity's response to this momentous experience. Of the Day of Declaration Benjamin Creme's Master says: "Never, before, will men have heard the call to their divinity, the challenge to their presence here on Earth. Each, singly, and solemnly alone, will know for that time the purpose and meaning of their lives, will experience anew the grace of childhood, the purity of aspiration cleansed of self. For these precious minutes, men will know afresh the joy of full participation in the realities of Life, will feel connected one to another, like the memory of a distant past." This prophetic book gives the reader hope and expectancy for the joyful, world-changing events which are on their way.
O Despertar da Humanidade - eBook
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